Contact Us:


Phone:  (844) 903-9333


Mailing Address:

9660-138 Falls of Nuese Rd., 356

Raleigh, NC 27615







     Industrial waste streams are ever changing

and many in industry are not aware of what

may be part of the products they are deeming as

waste. Precious metals are used in many industrial 

processes and are often overlooked as a 

recyclable asset. 

    Sigma Precious Metals specializes in 

helping businesses locate and verify if they 

have valuable precious metals in their waste

streams. Law states that if there is enough 

value in the product to cover the cost of 

reclamation then the product is no longer 

considered waste. It is then considered an asset.

At Sigma, we will help verify the value of your

precious metal waste streams. We will then

be able to pay you for those metals instead of 

your business spending valuable profit to have the 

metals disposed of.

At Sigma Precious Metals we desire the long term loyal

relationships. Many in the refining/recycling industry

are focused on one thing, their bottom line. As a company

that desires to provide service with integrity and

efficiency, we recognize that our bottom line will increase

when we are able to successfully increase the bottom

line of our clients.


Environmental friendliness is a key component of how we

conduct business. In light of this we have close

relationships with processing facilities that dispose of any

(if any) residual waste in a "Green", environmentally 

conducive way.


Our Pricing is very strong against most of our competitors. 

We base our pricing on the current Kitco Spot Price. With their convenient smartphone app. we can view up to the minute metals pricing most anywhere we do business. We analyze everything we purchase. For many of these products this process must take place before we can price them. However, in most cases, there is no waiting weeks for results and money. For many of the products we are able to utilize techniques that allow us to go to our clients place of business. We analyze the product on the spot, and pay them the same day. 

We would love the opportunity to meet with you in person and possibly begin a business partnership with you. We prefer to maintain a relationship rather than just a customer.
Please give us a call to discuss how we can best care for your Precious Metal Recycling needs.




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