Environmental friendliness is a key component of how we conduct business. In light of this we have close relationships with processing facilities that dispose of any (if any) residual waste in a "Green", environmentally conducive way.


Our Pricing is very strong against most of our competitors, including many refiners. We base our pricing on the current Kitco Spot Price. With their convenient smartphone app. we can view up to the minute metals pricing most anywhere we do business. We analyze everything we purchase. For many of these products this process must take place before we can price them. However, there is no waiting weeks for results and money. For most of the products we are able to utilize techniques that allow us to go to our clients place of business. We analyze the product on the spot, and pay them the same day. 

We would love the opportunity to meet with you in person and possibly begin a business partnership with you. Please give us a call to discuss how we can best care for your Precious Metal Recycling needs.

Contact Us:


Phone:  (844) 903-9333


Mailing Address:

9660-138 Falls of Nuese Rd., 356

Raleigh, NC 27615


E-mail: Info@SigmaPM.net



      The Dental industry knows the importance of efficiency and accuracy. The ability to meticulously care for and fulfill their clients expectations with precision and efficiency is what defines the success of a good Dentist. In time that success turns into loyal relationships that last for generations to come. 

       At Sigma Precious Metals we desire the same long-term relationships. Many in the refining/recycling industry are focused their own schedules and profit margins. At Sigma we see our clients schedules and profit as priority. 

      For the Dental industry we have made recycling precious metals easy and profitable. We offer 3 convenient steps to be paid for your metals based on All 4 Metals: Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium. 


         Step1: You call us @ 1-844-903-9333

                    - We will schedule a pick up with your office

                    - A representative will stop at your office, 

                       weigh your product, and create for you

                       a receipt of goods obtained.


         Step2: We will then Process the product

                   - Non-Precious Material is removed from the precious

                     materials. (The non precious material is available to the client, if

                           desired, for accountability. Otherwise the material is disposed of in                            a Green, environmentally friendly way.)

                   - The precious material is separated into yellow and

                      noble (white) metals and then melted into      

                      homogenous bars.

                   - Those bars are then analyzed and assayed

                      with XRF spectroanalysis technology. 

                   - Using the results, a report is prepared showing the

                      precise amount of all 4 precious metals contained

                      in your product lot.


        Step3: You get Paid!!

                   - Within 3-5 days of original pickup a representative

                     will return to your office with results.

                   - You will receive a report of the analysis

                   - They will pay you for All 4 Metals. (if applicable)

                   - Payment is made via Check, Cash, Wire, or 

                     Precious Metal Bullion (bullion requires advanced notice and in

                              some cases may extend turn around time)




Items We Process

- Bench Filings/Sweeps

- Buffing/Polishing Dust/Filters

- Ultrasonic Wipes/Sludge

- Scrap Metals/Jewelry

- Coins

- Used Watch Batteries

- Bench Rugs/Carpet

- Neutralized Lab Compounds

- x-Ray Lab Silver 

- Dental Scrap/Filings

- Most any other 

   Precious Metal Bearing Materials



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